Autogynephilia and Genspect Denver, Colorado
The conflict continues between those who want to help boys experiencing cross-sex identity issues, and those who want to demonise autogynephilia for political purposes
Another rift in the anti-“gender identity” movement has arisen, this time by a man named Phil Illy wearing a dress to the Genspect conference, a conference that aims to talk about alternative ways of understanding disorders of cross-sex identification, rather than the current dominant belief that is possible to have a “gender identity” end up in the wrong body.
The issue is, is that Phil is one of the very few men to talk openly about experiencing a phenomenon called “autogynephilia”, which is the propensity for an otherwise heterosexual man to become attracted to the concept of themselves as a woman.
The concept of autogynephilia was first put forward by sexologist Dr. Ray Blanchard as the root cause to non-homosexual cross-sex identification. It is a theory that is in opposition to the alternative explanation that you can be born with a “gender identity” of the opposite sex. Blanchard wrote:
Gender identity disturbance in males is always accompanied by one of two erotic anomalies. All gender dysphoric males who are not sexually oriented toward men are instead sexually oriented toward the thought or image of themselves as women. … the writer would prefer to replace it with the term autogynephilia (“love of oneself as a woman”). It should be noted that the concept of autogynephilia does not imply that autogynephilic males are always sexually aroused by the thought of themselves as women, or by dressing in women's clothes, or by contemplating themselves cross-dressed in the mirror - any more than a man in love always obtains an erection at the sight of his sweetheart, or pair-bonded geese copulate continuously.1
Phil has written a popular book on the subject of autogynephilia, calling the phenomenon “autoheterosexuality”. I think it would be perhaps be a fair characterisation of Phil’s views, that he, as I am, is concerned with harms that the belief in “gender identity” is causing, especially to children, which is why we both talk about autogynephilia in order to try and dispel this fantasy of “gender identity”.
Teaching children the fantasy that everyone has a “gender identity”, which apparently can end up in the “wrong body” is causing a social contagion of children, primarily girls, being referred to “gender identity” clinics, who would have in previous generations never have presented as such.
The fantasy of “gender identity” is also encouraging autogynephilia in boys to tip over into a delusion, when it would have largely gone unnoticed in previous generations. These boys who have a propensity to suffer from cross-sex ideation are taught by every position of authority that they have a female “gender identity” in a male body, so increasingly believe they are literally another type of woman.
One would expect, therefore, those in the anti-“gender identity” movement to welcome the idea that Phil was a part of the Genspect conference, and in many instances, this was the case. However to many feminists who dominate the anti-“gender identity” movement, his presence was an outrage.
This can be explained by the fact that the “trans issue” split the feminist movement into two: those who remained campaigning against the “cis, white, heteronormative, patriarchy”, and those who now campaign against the “trans, white, heteronormative, patriarchy”:
For the first group of feminists, “trans women” (many, if not most, of whom are males with autogynephilia) represent the oppressed victim of the “cis, white, heteronormative, patriarchy”, and so this group celebrate any instance of non-conforming sex presentation, seemingly no matter how inappropriate, as challenging “oppressive patriarchal gender norms”.2 These are the same feminists who take their children to “drag queen story hour” and end up transitioning their children, as they gain social status for having children that also challenge “oppressive patriarchal gender norms.”
For the second group of feminists, who this first group slurs as “TERFs”, “trans” is another part of the “white, heteronormative, patriarchy”: straight men who have conspired together with other men as part of a new supposed men’s rights movement in order to allow men with autogynephilia to claim that they themselves are women. This time, “trans”, or more specifically, males with autogynephilia, are cast as the patriarchal oppressor, and “AGP” is used as the slur.
To create this oppressor, feminists from this group cherry-pick the worst examples of male behaviour (many who may not even have autogynephilia, or have unrelated personality disorders) to present to the public a figure, a caricature they have created, who is supposed to be representative of “trans” as a whole, to try and flip the “trans” group from being seen as the oppressed into being seen as the oppressor. The public, who have by now seen and read enough stories from (autogynephilic) transsexuals describing the reality of deep and personal struggles with identity,3 are unconvinced by this caricature, so “gender identity” reigns as the way to understand “trans”.
It was this second group of feminists who were therefore outraged that Phil attended the conference wearing a dress, as they believe their caricature that every male with autogynephilia would only wear a dress for perverse reasons of gratification: to involve others as unwilling participants in a personal fantasy. This is despite the fact that Phil does not use female-only spaces, has no claims to be a woman, nor even “trans”, and that the people who attended the conference and interacted with Phil reported having no feelings of being unwilling participants in someone else’s fantasy.
The truth is, is that that a man wearing a dress is nothing new, and that autogynephilia has always had an outlet in male expression. It is likely David Bowie had autogynephilia, which is suggested by the fact that he had a relationship with a male-to-female homosexual transsexual named Romy Haag, and the attraction in such a relationship correlates with the autogynephilia.4
At various times in society, autogynephilia has caused a rejuvenation in what was acceptable male and female expression. Some of those from the former glam-heavy metal era have been amongst those to issue statements that they disagree with “gender identity” ideology today, as they no doubt understand more than most what drives male cross-sex identification and expression.
The conflict over Phil and his dress is the schism showing itself again in the anti-“gender identity” movement: between those, like Phil and Genspect who are trying to offer evidence-based advice to help boys, which must at some point have to involve discussion with boys about autogynephilia, and those who want to caricature those with autogynephilia, including boys, as the devil, in order for them to serve as the oppressor, in an oppressor vs. oppressed narrative.
There are some in the anti-“gender identity” movement who offer supposed solutions. Perhaps we can just not talk about autogynephilia with boys — and just talk to them about consent?
If you want to save boys from becoming men driven around by their sexual desires then the one thing you do not want to do is tell them that acting on every sexual desire and fantasy they have is “ok”. Instead reinforce boundaries and let them know they will not come to harm.
This would be fine, if autogynephilia were a typical external sexual desire, however it is not. When the object of attraction is yourself, as the opposite sex, this can create an identity disorder. In the DSM-4 autogynephilia was was referred to as “late-onset” (puberty onwards) gender identity disorder". Therefore, it is not simply a case of teaching about boundaries, but rather about preventing delusion. It would arguably be unethical to hide research from boys that may allow them to understand their troubles with identity, just because that research has been taken out of context in order to be used as part of a feminist political campaign. The answer instead would be to challenge those who are doing so.
What next?
I expect the anti-“gender identity” movement will increasingly split into two: between those, on one side, who continue to try and persuade the public that “trans” is a patriarchal conspiracy led by caricatures of the devil who have autogynephilia, and on the other side, those who recognise that presenting autogynephilia accurately is both beneficial to the rights of women, and to boys suffering from cross-sex identification disorder.
After all, the issue is not that there is a patriarchal conspiracy, but rather that the public currently believe in the “gender identity” model, which suggests some people can be born with the “gender identity” of the opposite sex. To dispel this notion, it is not necessary to try and convince the public that each male who identifies as a female is a patriarchal oppressor, it is necessary only to accurately explain and show how research shows that they are a man with an atypical sexuality — not a woman.
Phil wearing a dress at the Genspect conference is going to result in him getting hatred from both “gender identity” and anti-“gender identity” sides. However in terms of changing public opinion, by representing the actual face of autogynephilia, rather than a caricature, he allows the public to recognise that “trans women” are not supposedly another type of woman with a female “gender identity”, and this is what matters for the rights of women, and the wellbeing of children.
“The Classification and labelling of nonhomosexual gender dysphorias”. Blanchard, R., Ph. D. Archives of Sexual Behavior 18(4) 315-334 p. 323.
“Instead of getting you to challenge the patriarchy, they’re trying to get you to challenge the very gender expressiveness that challenges patriarchy” Instagram Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez
‘I just want to see the person I always saw in my head: the story of a face – podcast’ The Guardian 8 Jan 2021.
“David Bowie’s Transgender Muse Romy Haag”, Dangerous Minds publication.
The attraction to male-to-female transsexuals (gynandromorphs - GAMs), also known as gynandromorphophilia (GAMP) , correlates with autogynephilia, making it likely Bowie’s experimentation with sex presentation was an expression of autogynephilia.
“Sexual Arousal Patterns of Autogynephilic Male Cross-Dressers” Kevin J Hsu, A. M. Rosenthal, David Miller, J. Michael Bailey Archives of Sexual Behavior 46 January 2017.