The fantasy that some children are able know their “gender identity” and consent to social and medical “transition” has created an industry of counsellors, medical professionals, and charities who position themselves as helping them.
The relationship between these care providers and children, however, is arguably one of co-dependency: “trans” children do not exist, they are rather created by adults who believe in “gender identity” and who then set out to “help” these children to fulfil their own financial and emotional needs.
This co-dependent relationship, where children are kept in a state of dependency to fulfil the needs of the caregiver, is recognised as the archetype of the “devouring mother”.
This archetype can be seen in Münchhausen's syndrome-by-proxy, where most often a mother will harm her child, or make up symptoms, so that she can gain perceived social status as a devoted carer. It is often the mother who divorces the father, after the father disagrees with her “transitioning” their child.123
The creation of “gender identity” has provided a new way in which children who are deemed special can be kept in a state of dependency. Narcissistic mothers are seen to gain social status by having a “trans” child.45 In one news interview, a mother mouths the words that they have apparently drilled their “trans” child to repeat.6 The phenomenon is not a new one, being similar to the “Indigo children” of the 1990s, who were similarly deemed special and capable beyond their years, regarding matters of personal identity.
The clinical psychologist and political commentator Jordan Peterson often highlights that with society’s constant focus on a supposed “tyrannical patriarchy”, it has lost the ability to recognise the equivalent feminine destructive capacity of the “devouring mother”, where the mother is “so overprotective and all-encompassing, that she interferes with the development of the competence of not only her sons, but also of her daughters: her children in general.”7
Devouring charities
The archetype of the devouring mother can arguably seen seen as operating in the charity industry at scale. Under a matriarchy of chief executives, charities have come to target “gender identity” ideology at children, along with other new victimhood identities such as “trans” and “non binary”.
Under the leadership of Ruth Hunt in 2011, then under Nancy Kelley Stonewall (£11.55m income 2021) pivoted towards “gender identity” ideology. Susie Green lead the “trans children” charity Mermaids from a small charity, to one that now attracted millions in donations (£1.8m income 2021).
Lisa Harvey-Nebil, current CEO of The Proud Trust, advocates for “gender identity” ideology, such as the “Genderbread”8 graphic not on the basis of its truth, but rather that it is “popular”.9
This poses the question: popular to whom? Certainly not to the parents of the children the graphic will confuse, but debatably to the charities who can now embrace them in their care, justifying their income of nearly £1 million in 2021.
The pastel graphics appear soft and friendly, but behind them is a pathway of “gender affirming care” that can lead to surgery, and cross-sex hormones, if a child decides they are in fact “non-binary” or any of the number of identities these charities now provide. Parents who object this “gender affirming care” in the US have found themselves removed from their children.10
Arguably, there is little incentive for these charities not to confuse children, as more confused children means more children they can provide care for, making justification for many more hundreds of thousands in donations and funding, and jobs for people, primarily women, who want to care for children, in what appears to be a sickly embrace.
An agreeable personality in this case is a vice, not a virtue if this leads to staff not questioning whether or not the beliefs of the charities make sense, and whether or they are harming children. They are arguably too, the devouring mothers who have become financially and emotionally co-dependent on the children they claim to help.
The charity industry arguably does not teach children about “gender identity” and other splintered identities for their benefit, but rather so that they can continue their income stream to help the confusion that they are inducing. This income stream increasingly has come from the government, not from private individuals, making these charities in some cases impossible to boycott.11
The devouring medical industry
In the UK, as in other countries such as the US, the paediatric medical establishment appears captured by “gender identity” ideology.12 Dr. Polly Carmichael, the head of the Tavistock Gender Identity Development Service clinic, before it closed as unfit for purpose, was a signatory of a letter that appears to have lost touch with reality:
The use of ‘male’ and ‘female’ in the ACP-UK statement undermines the lived experiences of the people being referenced. The preferred, and more accurate, terminology is ‘assigned (assumed) male at birth (AMAB)’ or ‘assigned (assumed) female at birth’ (AFAB), reflecting that people may now identify with genders that are different from their assigned sex.13
Some in the medical sector appear to be driven by the belief that they are uniquely in a position to help children and adults with their “gender identity”, even if this means breaking the medical safeguarding norms of their peers.
GPs Dr Helen and Dr Mike Webberley worked together prescribing hormones for children under the service GenderGP. Dr Mark Webberley was struck off the UK medical register, after a wide range of failings, which included treating young transgender patients with hormones.14
Dr Helen Webberley was convicted in 2018 running an unregistered independent gender clinic and suspended for serious misconduct for failure to follow up with 12 and 17 year olds who had been prescribed testosterone.15 Dr. Helen Webberley would take their clinic to Spain to continue “transgender health and wellbeing services”.16
The Webberleys, no doubt, believe they are helping children and must feel special, being the ones who are uniquely in the position to give care, which they say saves lives, in the face of all their peers. Nevertheless, a grandiose sense of self importance is one of the characterisations of narcissism.
The manipulative refrain amongst those in the medical industry, who are convinced that the “care” they are providing is life saving, is the false dichotomy that it is “better to have a living daughter than a dead son” or “better to have a living son than a dead daughter”.17
“Diversity, Equality and Inclusion”
The archetype of the “devouring mother” can arguably be seen again in the DEI industry that infantilises “oppressed” groups, in order to create a market for their services. The DEI industry, being part of the Human Resources industry, ironically suffers from a lack of diversity, as like the charity industry, it is also female dominated.
It is difficult to criticise the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) industry, as like Black Lives Matter, political ideology has taken a name that masquerades as a human rights movement.
It is an industry that arguably provides jobs for the oversupply of primarily female graduates from the humanities. The type of “diversity, equality and inclusion” that the industry offers is the same “social justice” ideologies, that were taught in the universities, marketed towards corporations.
The DEI industry in turn provides a source of ever-changing edicts that can be marketed to corporations and governments, by using the implicit threat that if they do say something out of fashion, then this could mark them as the “oppressor”, and become the target of campaigns from “social justice” movements, attracting negative PR.
The DEI industry needs to provide ever-changing edicts to keep revenue, so create ever more sensitive and victimised segments of society, none more so than “trans”. The constant push to change language to be more “gender neutral”, such as “pregnant people” or “uterus havers” instead of “women” keeps DEI contracts and salaries flowing.
The idea that everyone should now sign off their corporate emails with their pronouns “he/him” or “she/her” does not matter at all to transsexuals, it does however cast them as controlling narcissists obsessed with how people use language. The edict is sent down from upon high, not for the benefit of transsexuals, but rather to provide more material for the DEI industry, providing another point for compliance.
Part six in this series follows the rise of the anti-“gender identity” movement.
“A Certain Madness Amok: Canadian father jailed for speaking out about trans-identifying child” Bawer, B. City Journal 1 April 2021.
“Desperate father pleads with his pediatrician ex-wife NOT to ‘chemically castrate’ their son” Guzman, A. Gordon, J. Daily Mail 6 January 2023.
“My husband is actively destroying his relationship with our child: husband won’t support non-binary child identity coming out” Herman, M. Slate 5 February 2023.
“Mom asks for money so that she can keep transing her 6 year old son” 30 November 2022.
“Do you feel more like a girl or a boy? Why do you say that?”
“Mother words the words of ‘transgender child’” 23 June 2022.
“Modern Times: Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson” 3 October 2017.
“What is Gender” The Proud Trust archived from 7th March 2021
15th February 2022
I would like to make a formal complaint about your webpage "Gender Identity T+" which is directed at young people (
My complaint is that this page misleads, and misrepresents by omission, what is known about gender identity disorder (which you term “gender identity”) in males. This is the phenomenon where males feel disassociation from their sex.
You write “Your gender identity is about who you are, your sense of self; your sexuality/sexual orientation is about who you are attracted to. The Genderbread Person is a useful tool to help you explore who you are”.
The “Gingerbread Person” graphic gives the impression that gender identity, gender expression, sex and sexual orientation vary independently. This is not true when considering gender identity disorder in males, which is connected to sexual orientation.
21 March 2022
The Gingerbread Person resource which you have referenced is one of those items which is used by youth workers, teachers, professionals and parents in order to have open conversations with young people.
Whilst we appreciate you taking the time to look at our website and raise your concerns we do not plan to remove the Gingerbread Person resource from our catalogue of available resources for LGBT+ young people. This has proven to be a popular resource, particularly amongst school teachers.
Kind regards,
Lisa Harvey-Nebil (she/her)
The Proud Trust
“The Proud Trust : Nothing to be Proud of” Charlesworth, S. Transgender Trend 20 May 2020.
“Doctor for adolescent medicine at St. Louis Children’s Hospital says doctors assign a sex when babies are born based on genitalia, but it doesn’t always match their identity. She goes on to explain that there are many genders a child can be.”
“Open Letter to the ACP-UK” 2 November 2022.
“Retired consultant is struck off over treatment of young transgender patients” Dyer, C. The BMJ 30 May 2022.
“Transgender children GP: Helen Webberley suspended for misconduct” BBC 30 June 2022.
“Nashville ‘gender affirming’ therapist brags about using threat of child suicide to convince parents to go along with sex changes” Post Millennial 8 January 2023.